Friday, March 12, 2010

New Books!

I haven't had a chance to work on any of my recipes in a while because school has taken over my life and there has been little time for anything. (Although I am in the process of turning my room from a horrid pink to a nice soft cream. yay!) However, I felt the need to share that I have received two new cookbooks from a wonderful benefactor. There is no money involved, not that I haven't worked for anyway, only love and books. At Christmas she gave me a well used copy of The Young Housewife's Counsellor and Friend: Containing Directions in Every Department of Housekeeping Including the Duties of Wife and Mother by Mrs. Mary Mason, published in 1875. The other cookbook was a more recent gift, and the cookbook itself is newer than the other. I am going to be a total geek about this cookbook, because it is the revolution to beat all revolutions in cookbooks. The original was published in 1896, the version I received was published somewhere between 1910 and 1920 (It's missing the title page with that info, cry cry). The book is Fannie Merritt Farmer's The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book. This book standardized how ingredients were measured in recipes so that the cook could be assured that the product would come out the same way as when Miss Farmer tested it.

I could drool over this book if it wouldn't ruin the pages. Hopefully my next recipe will come from this book, and happen sometime this month. Cheers!

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